I don’t have any book-related images to post at present, so here’s a shot from the garden of a hardy Camellia sasanqua flower searching out the sun on a very frosty morning earlier this week. The camellia is a beautiful plant made all the more special by its habit of flowering throughout the winter, adding colour to an otherwise drab winter outlook.
On the book front, things have been a little slow since my last post, although this week I have picked up the ball again and made some progress.
Firstly, the book-in-progress now has a new title (although of course, that might change again!). Right now, the working title is ‘The Kegby Gene’, which I hope is suitably enigmatic. The entire plot has had an extensive rewrite, but now I have a full working plan for the new chapter layout, so all that remains is to write the additional chapters. Simple, really!
Progress with the audiobooks is rather slower than I originally hoped, largely because I’m a bit of a perfectionist in that I want the books to sound as professional as possible. This means injecting a lot of time into the editing of the soundtrack for each chapter. However, piano piano, as they say around here in Tuscany, slowly slowly. So far, I have seventeen chapters of An Imperfect Revenge sorted and my initial critic, Mrs C, who listens to dozens of audiobooks every year, reckons it sounds good. Whatever the outcome, it’s great fun and as an author it gives an interesting different perspective on how I view my books and how I might pay more attention to phraseology in future — fewer tongue-twisting groups of adjectives!