I am pleased to tell you that I have been invited to sit on an Indie Author panel at this year’s CrimeFest meeting in Bristol, UK, in May. The panel is moderated by best-selling crime author Zoë Sharp and my three fellow panelists are AA Abbott, Barbara Fagan Speake and Ian Sutherland, all of whom are great crime writers – check them out on Amazon!

This is CrimeFest’s ninth annual meeting, and it gets bigger and more popular every year. What’s it all about? Here’s an extract from the CrimeFest website explaining the concept:

CRIMEFEST is a convention for people who like to read an occasional crime novel as well as for die-hard fanatics. Drawing top crime novelists, readers, editors, publishers and reviewers from around the world, it gives all delegates the opportunity to celebrate the genre in a friendly, informal and inclusive atmosphere.

The CRIMEFEST programme consists of interviews with its featured and highlighted guest authors; over forty panels with more than a hundred participating authors; a gala awards dinner; and one or two surprises.

CRIMEFEST was created following the hugely successful one-off visit to Bristol in 2006 of the American Left Coast Crime convention. The British hosts were encouraged to continue with a similar annual event and, as a result, the first CRIMEFEST was organised in June 2008. The convention has grown to become not only one of the biggest crime fiction events in Europe, but also one of the most popular dates in the international crime fiction calendar.

Included in the programme is a Flash Fiction competition in which authors have been invited to submit a crime novel comprising ≤150 words! I’ve written two (flash-fiction novels, not words) in the last couple of days — what else are morning beach walks for except contriving extremely concise murder and mayhem — and I’m still deciding which to submit. I’ll post the one I’m not submitting here in a few days’ time.

From the programme, the meeting should be a packed four days with great opportunities to meet with like-minded authors along with many others in the industry. I shall be featuring ‘Irrefutable Evidence’ as my book, with of course mention of ‘Remorseless’ which, fingers crossed, should have been released by then.

More details and updated news on CrimeFest as and when they are available.