by David | Mar 3, 2013
Our recent trip up to Hong Kong for three weeks from our winter hideaway in Phuket had a number of goals. First and foremost, we were there to see the Hong Kong branch of the family: stepdaughter Zoe and granddaughters Lily and Phoebe – do you recognise the names from Rare Traits? (more…)
by David | Dec 23, 2012
Ebooks are brilliant, but printed books are far from dead. If you are an indie author, you really should be maximising your options by going for both. Read on… (more…)
by David | Nov 26, 2012
Many indie authors are choosing to stick exclusively to the ebook route rather than suffer the depressing frustration of the myriad slammings-of-door-in-face that inevitably accompany trying to get a book accepted by a publisher or jumping through the hoops required to get their book into the correct shape for print-on-demand.
by David | Nov 2, 2012
If you are an indie author or otherwise enlightened, you of course know the answer and you can stop reading here.
Still with me? Then the snippet of information in this post could be useful to you and may even result in you reading my book!
Since publishing and promoting my novel, Rare Traits, as an ebook on Amazon, I have been surprised by the number of people who thought that it was necessary to own a Kindle in order to read an ebook bought from Amazon.
“I don’t have a Kindle,” they text/email/post in frustration. “When will it be available for the iPad?”
As all indie authors will know, it is!
While this post isn’t a plug for Amazon – they do a pretty good job for themselves – I am impressed by how readily available they have made their Kindle Reading App.
If you have an Amazon account, then almost by definition you have a computer/tablet/smart phone. Whichever you own, Amazon are likely to have a version of their Kindle Reader App for download to it. And it’s free! All you need to do is go to your Amazon page, click on the Free Kindle Reading Apps panel, or if you can’t spot it, type ‘free kindle reading apps’ into search, and the Kindle Apps page will appear. Your preferred device and OS should be listed.
Download your App and Bingo! you have all the versatility of the Kindle, but in colour, just like on the Kindle Fire. I personally prefer to read on my iPad than on my Kindle, which is an older, keyboard model. On the iPad I get a choice of paper colours, the book title is at the top of every page and in the library, all my purchases are displayed with the covers in glorious colour.
So there you are; it’s as simple as that! Follow the instructions and you will no longer have an excuse for delaying reading Rare Traits!
by David | Oct 24, 2012
In an attempt to kickstart some sort of sales for my newly released first novel, Rare Traits, I took advantage of Amazon’s KDP deal and put the book on free promotion for two days last week. My daughter sent notifications round her impressive network of business contacts and I contacted just about everyone I know via email, my new Facebook author page, a rising presence on twitter, and word of mouth, as did my wife, family and several friends.