Do you like the new bookmark? Got it printed in bulk from the great Bangkok online printer

I’m using it to announce that I’d like to help in a very small way in the present terrible crisis.

We all have more time on our hands than we are used to and so if you are passing it reading more books, making my books available free or at very low cost to you is one way to feed your new habit! These are not times to be thinking about profit; too many people are suffering.

So what’s the deal? 

As of midnight Pacific Coast Time on 2 April (8 am 2 April in London etc), the ebook versions of six of my titles will be free on Amazon for a period of 72 hours. This will be repeated at the same time next week for a period of 48 hours starting 9 April. (Under the KU deal, I can offer an ebook free for a total of 5 days every 90)

Outside of those times, the ebook versions of all seven books have now been discounted to 99 cents/pence etc, which is as low as Amazon will let me go.

Why isn’t the seventh book included in the free offer? It is, but in a different way. At present, Irrefutable Evidence is not on KU and therefore I can offer it free for as long as I choose, which I am doing through Book Funnel. If you go to this link, click on the red button and follow the instructions, you will get your free copy of Irrefutable Evidence on whatever device you like. (There are no strings attached here – I am not given your email address and you are not being asked to join a mailing list).

What are you waiting for? Go to your Amazon site now, enter one of my titles and download your free copy. Then repeat for all the others. Once you have augmented your library, sit back, relax and Enjoy!!

Here’s the blurb on the back of the new book mark giving a summary of the books. For more details on each one, click on ‘My Books’ in the menu above.