Following on from the announcement of the new titles and covers for the Dust of Centuries Series (previously the Rare Traits Trilogy), this post announces the rest of the changes relating to my seven novels.

Yes, there are four more new covers and another replacement title now out there.

The new title is ‘The Cambroni Vendetta’, a title that far more reflects the content of the third book in the cotton & Silk Thrillers than the previous ‘The Assassin’s Dog’.

But don’t worry, I still have the wonderful model of dear Goccia that will go with me to any book presentations.

Below are the new covers for the series. Click on any of them to head to the Amazon store for the kindle versions or head over to The Great British Book Shop for high quality and inexpensive paperback versions.

You can also go to the My Books page to read more about them.


And finally, the stand-alone novel An Imperfect Revenge has a new, punchier cover.


[Right now, writing this on 22 July, two of the above covers have no links. This is because an Imperfect Revenge and The Cambroni Vendetta are still enrolled in KDP Select. However, that will change in mid-August and the links to sales on other retail sites for those two books will go live and this note will disappear].

Even More Big News!!!

There’s one other big project that occupied me over the last few months, taking far longer than I anticipated, which has been the production of my first Audiobook. Big learning curve and lots of fun, not to mention a certain amount of frustration at times, the book is now ready.

The intention all along has been to give the audiobook away to anyone who joins my email list. Not a big ask and I’ll have details very soon. The audiobook is An Imperfect Revenge, read by me (Yay!!) and will be available to listen to on the Book Funnel reader, a free app that works pretty much like the Audible app. I have to say that I have been incredibly impressed by the folks at Book Funnel who have expanded their service to include full versions of audiobooks and made the whole process very easy.